About Me

The Rosemary Bush is my online space to share with all of you my love for good food, fresh ingredients and mouthwatering flavors. My name is Anna, I am Italian and I enjoy cooking as much as I enjoy preparing a delicious meal for my loved ones. Because cooking for someone else is a marvelous way to show them how much one cares.

My passion brought me to a culinary school in Perugia first, and then to different kitchens where I had the chance to put into practice what I had learned. I did work as a chef and pastry chef in Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, cooking side by side with some extremely talented chefs who taught me how to work as a professional. My experience in high level restaurants, including one of the most famous Michelin starred restaurants in London, Le Gavroche, broadened my knowledge providing me with solid culinary skills and cooking technique. 

Now I work as a translator and copywriter, but I decided not to put aside my love for the food and the skills I have acquired. This is the reason why I started this blog. My aim is to share with you the recipes I cook at home, to keep searching and trying new flavors and new combinations and to apply them to my culinary tradition, which is represented by the rosemary bush.

This plant is native to the Mediterranean region and is extremely common in the south of Italy, where I live. I grew up in the countryside, and my grandmother had a huge rosemary bush in the garden of her farm. I remember  picking its fragrant branches for her while she was cooking: the scent added a distinctive aromatic dash to the food.

With the flavors from my childhood and my culinary tradition well fixed in my memory, I will open my mind (and mouth) to ingredients and recipes from all over the world: I write this blog to share with you my culinary exploration.

I hope you will enjoy it!


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